Proposal: Rotten Eggs
Timed out and passed, three votes to two with one unresolved deferential vote. Josh
Adminned at 13 Sep 2018 08:23:57 UTC
Remove the sentence “This action cannot be performed more than once per generation by an Ape with any Intelligence genes.” from the ruleset.
This strangely glowing pond effect could mean a couple of things (that an Ape with Intelligence can take the action once and other Apes can take it repeatedly; or that once an Ape with Intelligence genes has taken it, no other Apes with Intelligence genes may take it), and neither really seems necessary.
I like the idea that only the Apes without intelligence would touch the pond more than once. That said, I agree that this rule and the one about the “Coming of age ritual” tradition are ambiguously worded. A clean-up proposal might be useful.