Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Proposal: Rubber Fangs

Timed out and failed, 2-6 with one unresolved DEF. Josh

Adminned at 02 Jul 2021 17:48:54 UTC

If Richardo von Nestor voted against this proposal, it has no further effect.

To “The Crypt of Dracula”, add:-

If at least three Vampires have communicated to Richardo von Nestor (either publicly or privately) that they think a particular named Room is “a bit silly”, and if that Room is not a Ritual Chamber, then Richardo von Nestor may change the name and description of the Room with that name, at any time.

Perhaps Josh has some grimdark cryptid abattoir in mind for Column 7, for when he comes to write that expedition diary, but even that could probably use some pronounceable room names.


Lulu: she/her

30-06-2021 17:26:23 UTC

Three seems a bit low to me.

Clucky: he/him

30-06-2021 17:27:02 UTC

Not a fan of just needing three players to complain to take complete creative control away from the people who lit the rooms. Especially when it essentially wipes out two whole rounds of profit for me.

Do you need pronounceable room names? Everything is done over text anyways.

At the very least, offending room names should be able to be renamed by the person who added the room. But I also don’t see the harm in having room names that are a bit silly. I mean look at how cute the rabbit is.

Josh: he/they

30-06-2021 17:32:13 UTC

Blognomic is a collaborative endeavour and that sometimes means accepting that other people have a different aesthetic from you.

It also means accepting that a band of other players can ‘correct’ your aesthetic if they don’t like it.

This proposal seems like a good way of working out which principle we feel more like defending, at this point in time.


Josh: he/they

30-06-2021 17:33:29 UTC

(I will say that in general I prefer rooms whose names I can type from memory, rather than having to copy-paste a few times during each write up)

Lulu: she/her

30-06-2021 17:34:42 UTC

against let me have my semi-serious flavour texts!

Clucky: he/him

30-06-2021 17:36:47 UTC

how does allowing a minority of three players + Josh to push their opinions on everyone else follow the standard blognomic principles of going with the majority?

this will basically turn into “Josh gets to determine all the room names and descriptions”


Clucky: he/him

30-06-2021 17:44:52 UTC

@Josh how would you feel able giving rooms an optional second name that has to be english words? I’m happy letting you talk about “The Bunny’s Head” or “The Bunny’s Body” or “The Bunny’s Feet” during the run recaps. I just like having the ascii giant bunny hanging out on the map.

Chiiika: she/her

30-06-2021 17:45:19 UTC

Josh: So currently is it possible to use the flavour text to discern the 3 rooms instead of the specific Room Name for the three rabbit rooms?

Josh: he/they

30-06-2021 17:56:48 UTC

Oh yeah, there’s a hundred ways around it, including using grid references etc. I’m ultimately Def as I don’t think that there’s massive consequences either way

ais523: Custodian

30-06-2021 18:01:26 UTC

against FWIW, this is what my slotless proposals proposal was leading up to: allowing people to make proposals to change names, flavour text, descriptions, etc. of things without costing a slot. (This is at least partly because various changes to the dungeon tend to make room names obsolete over time. It’s partly because of the silliness, and partly because of mistakes (or interesting flavour hooks?) like Kevan’s bat who lives underwater.)

Kevan: he/him

30-06-2021 18:13:57 UTC

Yes, this was basically intended as “Josh is ultimate arbiter of room names and descriptions”, since it’s his dynasty and the main game action is him writing dramatic Expedition logs based on those names and descriptions, and writing them well. The three Vampires are just there as a balance so he doesn’t have to concern himself with other minor changes.

The “standard blognomic principles of going with the majority” would be us voting on every room name and description as it was originally created, which isn’t happening either.

ais523: Custodian

30-06-2021 18:16:28 UTC

I think it’s OK if people want to put effort into making the backstory and flavour of the Crypt more consistent, and don’t see any reason why those people would have to be Josh.

(If nothing else, the description of the Shattered Stairway no longer matches its actual behaviour; that’s the sort of thing I’d like to fix by proposal but isn’t worth sparing a slot for, and yet it also probably isn’t worth occupying Emperor bandwidth for.)


01-07-2021 08:12:49 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

02-07-2021 08:55:17 UTC


Janet: she/her

02-07-2021 17:13:11 UTC


Darknight: he/him

02-07-2021 17:17:33 UTC
