Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rules for Obtaining Books(Round 3)

Update:Promotional Rule removed.

The Tome of the Week is now the Book of Sponges.

1)The Librarian is not a Student for the purposes of these Rules, except where it explicitly says otherwise.  (This makes sure I can’t grant myself Tomes.)
2)A Tome is Available if there are more Copies of that tome than Students holding that Tome, including the Librarian.
3)There is a Tome that is the Tome of the Week.  The Librarian may occasionally change the Tome of the Week.  If the Tome of the Week is Available, any Student may acquire a copy of that Tome.
4)Whenever a Student becomes Lost as a result of the Soul Duel spell, the other Student involved in that Soul Duel may acquire an Available Tome of eir choice.
5)Whenever a Student casts a spell that lowers any Student’s sanity (including eir own) to below -100 and causes em to become Lost for that reason, the Student who cast the spell may acquire an Available Tome of eir choice per Student that becomes lost in this manner.
6)Whenever a Student casts a spell that raises any Student’s Thirst (including eir own) above 20 and causes em to become Lost for that reason, the Student who cast the spell may acquire an Available Tome of eir choice per Student that becomes lost in this manner, unless the Student who cast the spell recieves a tome from Rule 5 for the same Student-spell pair.


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