Rules for Obtaining Books(Round 5)
I’ve added stuff to deal with monsters. Read 2.e and all of four and tell me what you think
1) Every student, including the Librarian, has a set number of freshly baked cookies from the Academy Dining Hall, which are tracked column in the GNDT called “Cookiesâ€.
2) Cookies may be earned in the following ways:
—-a)Anytime a student writes a proposal which passes, e gains one cookie.
—-b)Occasionally, a student my make a comment of “BAKE DICE3â€. E gains cookies equal to the value of the role.
—-c)Often, a student may make a comment to the GNDT of “WAGER N XXX DICE2†Where XXX is the name of another student and N is a integer number of cookies posses by both the target and the student making the comment. If the result of the DICE2 check is a one, the student making the comment steals N of the targeted student’s cookies. If the result of the DICE2 check is a two, the student making the comment must give N of eir cookies to the targeted student.
—-d)Any time a student takes an action that causes another student, besides the librarian, to become lost, e gains all cookies possessed by that student.
—-e)Any time a student defeats a monster, e gains a cookie.
3) At any time a non-librarian student by purchase a tome from the librarian by giving the librarian a number of cookies equal to the value of the tome. Tomes are valued as follows:
—-i)Unlimited Copies, or 5 or more available copies: 5 cookies
—-ii)3 or 4 available copies: 6 cookies
—-iii)2 available copies: 8 cookies
—-iv)1 available copy: 10 cookies
4) Monsters behave the following way with cookies
—-a) If a student fails to defeat a monster, the monsters gain a cookie.
—-b) If the sanity reduction caused by the monsters result in a student’s name being added to the lost list, the monsters gain all cookies posses by that student.
—-c) Any time a proposal fails, the monsters gain a cookie.
—-d) Any time the monsters have ten cookies, they gain a tome(and lose ten cookies) according to the following rules:
——When the monsters acquire a tome, they will take the tome with the most available copies(provided they do not already possess that tome, of course). In the case where two tomes have the same number of available copies, they will take the tome that is higher up on the list of tomes.
—-e) If a student defeats a monster in combat, and the monsters currently posses a tome; the student may choose one tome from the monsters tomes and return that tome to the Librarian. If e does so, e gains a second cookie for defeating that monster.