Thursday, September 24, 2015

Story Post: Rumour: Paper Chase

Prisoners have been speculating about the reason for there being two crude papier-mâché mannequins of Purplebeard and Tantusar in the rec room.


ais523: Custodian

24-09-2015 16:47:30 UTC

Is this a legal post? Tantusar doesn’t seem to be a Fish.

Kevan: he/him

24-09-2015 16:54:03 UTC

“If a Prisoner is Withdrawn, they may not be chosen as the Accomplice of a non-Rumour Crime, but are always considered to be a Fish for the purposes of Rumours.”

ais523: Custodian

25-09-2015 18:46:43 UTC

Aha, I thought I might be missing something.


27-09-2015 08:26:00 UTC



28-09-2015 10:25:58 UTC

I threaten Tantusar into cooperation.

“I defect, therefore I am.”

+3 years to Tantusar’s sentence.