Friday, December 16, 2022

Proposal: Rumours of Rooms

Timed out / quorumed 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 18 Dec 2022 18:56:41 UTC

To “Advantages and Disadvantages”, add:-

An Explorer located in the Room named Gymnasium may set their Advantage and their Disadvantage simultaneously, at any time, so long as the state in Banewood Mansion is set to Explorers Phase and their Advantage becomes either Fast or Strong.

An Explorer located in the Room named Library may set their Advantage and their Disadvantage simultaneously, at any time, so long as the state in Banewood Mansion is set to Explorers Phase and their Advantage becomes either Wise or Lucky.

To the final paragraph “Rooms”, add:-

If the rules refer to a named Room but no Room exists with that name, then the Narrator must privately roll a six-sided die before creating a Room: on a roll of 1, the Room must take one of those referred-to names.

Allowing players to change their (dis)advantages, with some geographical effort, so that these don’t all get locked down too much. And making it so that just saying “if this room exists” in a rule is enough to put it into a queue so that it’ll turn up eventually.


JonathanDark: he/him

16-12-2022 18:08:37 UTC

What do you think about tweaking that dice roll a little bit?

If you change it to the following, then the creation of that Room becomes inevitable, and the dice roll only determines when it should happen:

“If the rules refer to a named Room but no Room exists with that name, the Narrator must add the Room to a Room Queue which is privately tracked by the Narrator. When adding a Room to the Room Queue, the Narrator privately rolls a DICE6 and tracks the result as the Room Priority with the Room in the Room Queue, re-rolling if the result ties with any existing Room Priorities in the Room Queue.

When adding a Room, the Narrator first subtracts 1 from all of the Room Priorities in the Room Queue. If a Room Priority is 0 after this subtraction, the Narrator must use that Room name and remove it from the Room Queue.”

quirck: he/him

16-12-2022 18:20:43 UTC

How many times will the Narrator add the Room to the Queue?
What if there are more than six Rooms referred to?

JonathanDark: he/him

16-12-2022 18:47:06 UTC

For the former, adjust the text so that it reads, “the Narrator must add the Room to a Room Queue, which is privately tracked by the Narrator, if the Room is not already in the Room Queue.”

Not sure what do to about the latter. It seems unlikely that more than six Rooms will show up in the ruleset at once, but shrug

JonathanDark: he/him

16-12-2022 18:48:50 UTC

Also, I realized that to be unambiguous, the last part should read, “When adding a Room to Banewood Mansion, the Narrator first subtracts 1…”

SingularByte: he/him

16-12-2022 18:49:56 UTC

It might be worth doing this as a separate proposal, since it’s a big enough change from Kevan’s that I could see people having preferences one way or another.

JonathanDark: he/him

16-12-2022 18:59:07 UTC

I’m fine with that. If this Proposal gets traction, I’ll probably Propose a patch tomorrow so that people have time to review in the first 4 hours of posting it.

Josh: he/they

16-12-2022 23:17:30 UTC


quirck: he/him

17-12-2022 17:51:03 UTC



17-12-2022 19:29:18 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

18-12-2022 02:38:28 UTC


Darknight: he/him

18-12-2022 12:00:25 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

18-12-2022 17:01:05 UTC
