Proposal: Run away!
Times out and passes at 6-2. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 31 May 2011 00:47:47 UTC
Add a subrule to Constructions called “Unfueled Jeep”
A farmer may spend 100 wood to create an unfueled jeep in one of their partitions.
Add a subrule to Constructions called “Fueled Jeep”
A farmer who owns an unfueled jeep may spend 25 juice to change it into a fueled jeep. If a farmer’s house is destroyed while they own a fueled jeep, then when commanded to roll DICEX, DICEY and DICEZ in the rule “The House”, each dice is instead rolled 3 times and the highest rolled result for each set of 3 is used. (i.e. the highest of the 3 DICEX is used intead of 1 DICEX, etc.) The fueled jeep is then moved to a partition in the farmer’s new wine cellar and becomes an unfueled jeep.
Don’t ask how you build a car out of wood and make it run on tomato juice. I don’t know.