Proposal: Runners Up
Times out 4-1-2 -Darth
Adminned at 25 Sep 2010 07:34:16 UTC
Reword Rule 2.3 (Medals) to:-
Each Befuddled has an amount of Gold and Silver Medals, a number defaulting to zero of each, tracked in the GNDT. To “award a Gold Medal” to a Befuddled is to increase that Befuddled’s Gold Medals by 1; to “award a Silver Medal” is to increase their Silver Medals by 1. If the colour of a Medal is not specified, it is assumed to be Gold.
Replace the final paragraph of Rule 2.2 with:-
A Competition may define criteria by which a Befuddled may be awarded Gold and/or Silver Medals. When a Befuddled is awarded a Medal by a Competition, that Competition expires and is no longer considered to be a Competition. (If more than one Befuddled would be awarded a Gold Medal at the same time by the same Competition, whoever is processing the award should roll DICEX, where X is the number of such Befuddleds, and award the Gold Medal only to the Befuddled in the Yth position of an alphabetical list of such Befuddleds, where Y is the result of the die roll.)
All existing Medals awarded to Befuddled shall be replaced with Gold Medals.