Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Proposal: Safety Protocols

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 02 Jan 2025 01:27:00 UTC

In the rule “Items”, after the text “Subtract 20cm from your Position” add the text “, to a minimum of 0cm”.

In the same rule, replace the text “you must Spot Danger before making another Play” with “you may not make any Plays until Spot Danger has been performed via the other rules that allow it to be performed”.

In the same rule, after the text “gain three additional copies of a non-Crystal Item in your Items” add the text “, to a maximum of 10 total Items”.

Some patches for the Race after this one, to incentivize coming up with new strategies rather than everyone just re-using the current ones.



31-12-2024 17:20:51 UTC

okay, could you add something so that the crystal of plenty cannot make you get 40 items at once?

JonathanDark: he/him

31-12-2024 17:47:18 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

31-12-2024 17:48:56 UTC

(as an aside, while this may seem like a major watering down of that item, I view it as making it more strategic: you can have your 40 Items, just not all at once. It makes you use Discard some Items first to make room for the copies).

Josh: he/they

01-01-2025 12:32:48 UTC

“you may not make any Plays until Spot Danger has been performed via the other rules that allow it to be performed” doesn’t quite work as written - it would need to be ‘until after the next time Spot Danger is performed via the other rules’ etc in order to have the desired effect.

for to the rest of it.


01-01-2025 14:20:27 UTC


ais523: Custodian

01-01-2025 17:19:22 UTC
