Proposal: Sandbox
Passed 9-1 by Quazie
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 16:45:36 UTC
Create an Instinct entitled “Playing in the Sandbox”, with the text:
There is an Inclination entitled “Sandbox”, which is always the highest-numbered Inclination. Often, any voice may add one word to the end of this rule, and optionally any punctuation that would be immediately adjacent to this word (such as a period or colon). Any addition to the Sandbox must be grammatical, and if it does not complete a sentence, must allow for a grammatical conclusion to the sentence. Incomplete sentences have no effect until terminated by a period.
Paragraphing, and similar formatting, may be added by the Ego at any time. The Ego may also delete words from the end of the rule at will.
And, since I forgot to include this earlier, add to the last paragraph of “Priority” ‘Any rule that allows a Declaration of Victory must be an Instinct’.