Proposal: Santa’s Workshop
Reaches quorum and passes, 13-0. Josh
Adminned at 21 Dec 2010 01:04:06 UTC
If the proposal titled “Hard Hats” doesn’t pass, this proposal does nothing.
Add a new rule called “Templates”. Give it the following text
Provided there are fewer than three active template requests, the Brick Master may make a template request by creating a story post with the title “Template Request: XXXXXXX” where “XXXXXXX” is the name of the template (as chosen by the brick master), and text which describes a constructions. (For example: “Exactly seven standard bricks, each of which is a different color”), as well as a standard reward and bonus reward amount, both of which are a positive amount of funds.
For the next 48 hours, the template request post remains active. Each Mini Figure may once remove a construction from their workbench which fits the requirements of the template request and make a comment about it on the story post. The comment must, as with the workbench, detail a name, a value and the composition in bricks for each construction. It is strongly encouraged to also include a link to a pictorial illustration, or at least a textual description of how the bricks fit together. The mini figure may then increase their funds by the standard reward for the template request. A mini figure who does this is said to have completed the template request.
After 48 hours, the template request ceases to be active. The Brick Master may then once within the next 48 hours make a comment on the story post mentioning one mini figure who completed the template request, whom the brick master believes best fulfilled the template request. That mini figure’s funds are then to be increased by the bonus reward for the template request.
*encourages IMP votes instead of FOR votes if you’re in favor because this puts more work on Josh, which he may or may not actually want*
Klisz: Idle