Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Proposal: Sawn-Off Magic

Times out and fails 5-5. -Bucky

Adminned at 06 Nov 2009 15:30:46 UTC

If “Get your runes in a line (take 2)” failed, this proposal has no effect.

Add a new Dynastic rule, called “Amulets”:-

An Amulet is a block of wood carved with between one and three Runes. Each Apprentice may carry a number of Amulets in their inventory, tracked in the GNDT under the column “Amulets” - each Amulet is represented by a string of Runes, and they are separated by spaces.

As a daily action, an Apprentice may Carve an Amulet, by removing a group of up to three Runes from either the start or end of their Workbench. If none of these Runes are “X”, the Apprentice may add one Amulet made from those same Runes, in the same order, to their inventory.

Add a new bullet to the list of “manipulating the workbench” actions:-

Cut a fresh piece of wood; this replaces the Runes of their workbench with “XXXXX”.



04-11-2009 23:17:33 UTC


Darknight: he/him

04-11-2009 23:25:03 UTC

for Though should we have a wiki page to keep tabs on what rune combo each amulet is?


04-11-2009 23:32:05 UTC

Darknight:  Your “Amulets” GNDT entry would be something like:


Perhaps this rule could use a bit of clarification, since at first glance, it might seem to some that the “Amulets” entry tracks how many Amulets that Apprentice is carrying (or even, how many he is allowed to carry).  But I think the intent is for the “Amulets” entry to actually list the current inventory of Amulets, as above.

Darknight: he/him

04-11-2009 23:35:11 UTC

I love how an innocent Q of mine gets people wondering how to make something abit clearer to understand lol.


04-11-2009 23:36:10 UTC


I would like to keep changes in the size of a Workbench relatively rare.

redtara: they/them

05-11-2009 00:00:41 UTC

against Per Bucky and per Hix’s explanation.


05-11-2009 00:55:42 UTC



05-11-2009 23:30:25 UTC

Hmm… this is is a problem.


05-11-2009 23:32:39 UTC

What happened to the site?


06-11-2009 03:24:34 UTC

The front page went down.

arthexis: he/him

06-11-2009 05:42:33 UTC


Josh: he/they

06-11-2009 08:16:08 UTC



06-11-2009 08:25:28 UTC



06-11-2009 15:08:26 UTC

Am I correct that the operation of this rule could result in a Workbench having more or fewer than six Runes?

Kevan: he/him

06-11-2009 15:16:51 UTC

It could have fewer, yes, but not more - you saw bits off and remove them, but can refill back to five damaged runes.


06-11-2009 16:07:58 UTC



06-11-2009 18:08:54 UTC

A closer examination reveals a couple more problems with this:
*Grindiness.  It encourages making an amulet every 1-3 days.
*No cap on total Amulet length.  This may lead to too much information crammed into one GNDT column

I would rather have, say, a ‘shelf’ GNDT column which only contains one extra sequence.