Saturday, December 12, 2020

Schedule Post 2020-12-12

There were no scheduled events yesterday.

Today at noon, Pilot Coderblaze attacked a Bogey on attack vector 16.



12-12-2020 19:09:31 UTC

I attack the currently-emerging Bogey designated “?” with Fire Vector 15 at 19:00 on December 12
I attack with Fire Vector 14 at 19:01 on December 12
I attack with Fire Vector 13 at 19:02 on December 12
I attack with Fire Vector 12 at 19:03 on December 12
I attack with Fire Vector 11 at 19:04 on December 12
I attack with Fire Vector 10 at 19:05 on December 12
I attack with Fire Vector 9 at 19:06 on December 12
I attack with Fire Vector 8 at 19:07 on December 12
I attack with Fire Vector 7 at 19:08 on December 12


12-12-2020 19:23:23 UTC

My previous firing attempts are invalid because the time “must be a time of the pilot’s choice between 18 and 72 hours after the time at which the comment is made”. Accordingly:

I attack the currently-emerging Bogey designated “?” with Fire Vector 15 at 19:00 on December 13
I attack with Fire Vector 14 at 19:01 on December 13
I attack with Fire Vector 13 at 19:02 on December 13
I attack with Fire Vector 12 at 19:03 on December 13
I attack with Fire Vector 11 at 19:04 on December 13
I attack with Fire Vector 10 at 19:05 on December 13
I attack with Fire Vector 9 at 19:06 on December 13
I attack with Fire Vector 8 at 19:07 on December 13
I attack with Fire Vector 7 at 19:08 on December 13


12-12-2020 19:40:27 UTC

Of course, that firing comment is still only valid if the Bogey is actually a Bogey, which I’m not sure of. The Emerging process is confusing.

Josh: he/they

12-12-2020 19:41:58 UTC

The Bogey should be a Bogey - once it has emerged it becomes a Bogey, right?


13-12-2020 00:05:01 UTC

Was my order invalid?

Josh: he/they

13-12-2020 09:18:40 UTC

Ah, yes it was - sorry. It needed an 18 hour gap and gave just under 12.