Monday, December 14, 2020

Schedule post 2020-12-14

Yesterday at 7pm, Pilot Bucky engaged the unnamed Bogey on a wide spectrum of attack vectors. The results were as follows:

Attack on Fire Vector 14: The Bogey evaded the shot
Attack on Fire Vector 13: The Bogey evaded the shot
Attack on Fire Vector 12: The Bogey evaded the shot
Attack on Fire Vector 11: The Bogey takes a direct hit from Pilot Bucky’s armaments and is utterly destroyed
Attack on Fire Vector 10: The shot hit debris and all subsequent fire attempts were cancelled.

Many thanks to Pilot Bucky for successfully neutralising the first DEVA. There were no other scheduled events to take place today.



14-12-2020 14:36:54 UTC

When was the Power expenditure for firing supposed to have been deducted? I thought it was when the attempts were resolved.

Josh: Observer he/they

14-12-2020 15:01:46 UTC

haha I was just writing a CfJ about that

I think you should have paid when you made the attack attempts, i.e. when you made the initial comment to the 12/12 scheduling post. (It;s the attempt that costs, rather than the resolution, so you should have paid for all of them and thus destroyed your Shell.)


14-12-2020 15:36:30 UTC

It’s a question of whether the attack sequence rule parses as “spend 10 Power to {attempt to fire on a Bogey as a Timed Action}” or “{spend 10 Power to attempt to fire on a Bogey} as a Timed Action”.

The grammar is genuinely ambiguous. Your parsing has paradoxical results when “The attempt to fire has no further effect and does not cost Power”, which would retroactively un-destroy my Shell if I drained all my Power trying to attack.

However, the paradox is moot if I didn’t successfully register an Attack with Vector 15 before the confirmed ones - I should have 10 power left in that case.

Regardless, the power expenditure clause needs its timing clarified.


14-12-2020 16:21:13 UTC

Also, I think I still need to pay Power for the “all subsequent fire attempts were cancelled” attempts, but I’m not certain because the Poindexter said they didn’t happen.

Make that CfJ, I guess.