Saturday, January 02, 2021

Schedule post 2021-01-02

Yesterday, nothing happened, unless Call for Judgment: What happens when the Poindexter makes a mistake? isn’t enacted, in which case Pilot Bucky shot at a Bogey who ambiguously is or isn’t there.

Today at 18h24 the activity in the portal is expected to peak. All pilots will be updated in tomorrow’s schedule post.



02-01-2021 15:37:13 UTC

Please see my comment on the previous schedule post

Josh: he/they

02-01-2021 15:41:21 UTC

Uf, you’re quite right.

Unfortunately, Call for Judgment: What happens when the Poindexter makes a mistake? (which you voted for) upholds the resolution as it currently stands, so while you’re correct to point out a mistake it has been retroactively made legal by the passage of that CfJ. Given that it does have a pretty major impact you might want to raise a further CfJ to set the record straight?


02-01-2021 15:49:50 UTC

At this point I’m willing to just let it stand and keep playing from here.

Raven1207: he/they

02-01-2021 18:09:33 UTC

I’m still a little confused on some of the shooting stuff