Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Schedule post 2021-01-19

Today the uncertainty field surrounding BLASTOISE cleared. It is now understood that Pilot Bucky successfully slew the Bogey on 2021-01-16. Belated congratulations to Pilot Bucky.

Yesterday, CHARMELEON sprayed its acidic mucus onto a civilian target, causing 611,312 civilian casualties.

Today at 19h00 Pilot Bucky will attack CHARIZARD on vector 12, and will get a close look with their camera turret as they do so. CHARMELEON and CHARIZARD will both conduct the preparatory steps to conduct attacks on civilian targets, but neither attack will connect today.



19-01-2021 17:03:35 UTC

On January 20 at 12:00 noon I will fire on CHARIZARD on vector 18.
On January 20 at 12:00 noon I will fire on CHARMELEON on vector 15.


19-01-2021 19:15:50 UTC

Was CHARMELEON attacking a military or civilian target? The last Schedule Post implied military, and I haven’t proposed the ability to switch targets yet.

Josh: he/they

19-01-2021 19:44:22 UTC

Sorry, that part should refer to CHARIZARD.