Thursday, January 21, 2021

Schedule post 2021-01-21

Yesterday, CHARMELEON and CHARIZARD both skied their attacks on military targets, and will both be confused for 48 hours.

Also yesterday, CATERPIE emerged from the portal, causing humans and animals all around Blogia to have sudden, vivid psychic images of their own violent deaths, It immediately started moving towards a civilian target.

Today, at 09h10, CATERPIE will launch an attack on the civilian population of a major city on the southern island.

Starting at 23h40, Pilot Bucky will launch a wide-spectrum attack against CHARIZARD, starting on vector 2 (with seeker munitions and a camera turret) and working up to vector 10.



21-01-2021 15:17:44 UTC

I had attacks on vectors at targets

Josh: he/they

21-01-2021 15:22:14 UTC

So you did.

Give me a sec and I’ll add an addendum.

Josh: he/they

21-01-2021 15:58:05 UTC

ADDENDUM: Coderblaze’s attack on CHARIZARD on vector 18 was evaded. CHARIZARD retaliated with its EM Weapon, leaving Coderblaze stunned for 24 hours, and its Acid Blood, which rained down on a town, killing 41,727.

Coderblaze’s attack on CHARMELEON was more sound: it engaged the DEVA on vector 15 and resulted in a total clean kill. CHARMELEON is no more.


21-01-2021 16:32:41 UTC

I accidentally scheduled my attacks for tomorrow rather than today. While strange, they’re not illegal and thus stand as posted.


21-01-2021 17:04:34 UTC

Should I be giving myself experience for my kills?


21-01-2021 18:27:28 UTC

Nice shooting, Coderblaze

Josh: he/they

21-01-2021 18:45:52 UTC

@Coderblaze It doesn’t matter who does it; I can do it but frankly I’m probably doing enough admin for this game so go ahead and keep your own stats