Thursday, June 29, 2006

Scientia est Potentia

It’s only tangential, but but allow me to make public secret rule T.8, from the Treasure Hunt list:

Library. If a Monk Searches the Library and e has not already done so that for one contiguous Game Day and Game Night (which is a period of ten hours), e has a one in three chance of finding a Book of eir choice. That is, if the DICE3 check is a 1, a Book is gained. If the Monk Searching does not select a Book, the Abbot shall generate one randomly.

If the Abbot has the Station of Heaven, a Monk who legally gains an Item in this manner may add that Item to the GNDT eirself, without the assistance of the Abbot.


Elias IX:

29-06-2006 14:26:43 UTC

Cool, but game day and game night never follow directly after the other, so…