Proposal: Scoring in Teams
Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Sep 2014 01:41:23 UTC
In the rule 2.2.1 “Kicking the Ball,” change “When a Player Kicks the Ball, they may update the GNDT to make themselves Assisting, when transferring its ownership. If a Player Kicks the Ball to a Player with a lower Shirt number, the Kicking Player may update the GNDT to change any number of Assisting Players so that they are no longer Assisting.” to read
When a Player Kicks the Ball, if they are not the Goalkeeper, they may update the GNDT to make themselves Assisting, when transferring its ownership. If a Player Kicks the Ball to a Player with a lower Shirt number, the Kicking Player may update the GNDT to change any number of Assisting Players so that they are no longer Assisting. The Goalkeeper may never be assisting.
In Rule 2.10 “The method of Scoring,” change “If two or more Players are Assisting, then the Player who has the Ball may Shoot: upon doing so, the Shooting Player and all of the Assisting Players gain one Score, and the Ball is removed from the Shooting Player.” to read
The offense Player who has the Ball may Shoot by making a blog post (known as a Shooting post) entitled “Shooting.” The Shooting Player may roll a DICE5; any assisting player may roll a DICE10; the Goalkeeper may roll a DICE40; and any non-assisting defense player may roll a DICE6. Any Player who rolls a die for this purpose must post the result in a comment to the Shooting post along with a description of the player’s role in shooting (shooter, assisting player, Goalkeeper, defensive player). Such a comment is known as a Play. Once either 6 people have made Plays or at least 48 hours have passed since the last Play, the Coach comments with the sum of the rolls from the shooter and the assisting players, along with the sum of the rolls from the goalkeeper and the defense players. The set of players whose rolls contributed to the larger sum all receive one score; if the scores are tied, no players receive a score. Afterwards, the Ball is removed from the Shooting Player.
While this mechanic is not perfect, I think it could lead to a lot of interesting play. Also, I like the idea of the goalie acting like a goalie.