Thursday, October 01, 2020

Proposal: Sea and Field Scoring

Timed out and failed, 3-1, with two unresolved DEFs. Josh

Adminned at 03 Oct 2020 20:45:28 UTC


As an action with a Time Threshold of Round 15, an Island who is not Dying may achieve and declare victory, if every one of their Habitability scores exceeds the corresponding Habitability score of each other non-Infested Island.


An island’s Ecology is calculated as follows:
*add 5 for each habitability greater than all other island’s habitability of that type
*add 3 for each habitability greater than all other island’s (except one) habitability of that type
*add 1 for each habitability greater than all other island’s (except two) habitability of that type

If it is round 15 or later and an Island has an Ecology greater than all other islands when Gaia progresses time, that island has achieved victory.

remove: “An Island with one, and no more than one Habitability that is greater than any other Island’s, with the rest of their Habitabilities below the Island average for that Habitability, is Infested. “

I think this method retains the spirit of maximizing different ecologies, while making winning the game a little easier. The method of scoring is inspired by swim meet scoring, but I think similar methods are used for track and field and other situations where a team sponsors different competitors in different races.



01-10-2020 20:04:45 UTC

Except which one/two?

I like the intent very much, but I’d prefer if Ecology was easier to compute on the fly. It’s possible to make a bot for what you’re going for admittedly, but I’d prefer not to have to need to resort to that.

derrick: he/him

01-10-2020 20:08:16 UTC

any other one or two islands.

Its a formal way of writing “First place gets 5 points, second place gets 3 points, 3rd place gets 1 point”, and specifies ties use the lowest of possible results.


02-10-2020 04:28:54 UTC

I like this;  I agree it would be very cool a live automatic update of these scores based on the Great Sea, but that sounds like an annoying parsing to do for this single purpose..


02-10-2020 08:14:30 UTC

against For now

Kevan: he/him

02-10-2020 08:17:41 UTC

against Yeah, I’m not enjoying the complexity of calculating untracked second-order stats from the gamestate, and then third-order victory points from those stats.

derrick: he/him

02-10-2020 11:36:26 UTC

Would it help if I wrote out a parser for the variables?

Brendan: he/him

02-10-2020 17:24:05 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

02-10-2020 21:41:03 UTC


Kevan: he/him

03-10-2020 09:29:13 UTC

It’d be better if the rule was designed and phrased in a way that was easily internalised by the players, the way it would be in a board game. Elaborate parsers don’t help when you’re taking your turn and weighing up what to do (and what your opponents may or may not do), and each possible outcome has to be fed through an calculator to tell you who would be winning.

Lulu: she/her

03-10-2020 20:38:25 UTC
