Sunday, December 24, 2017

Seasonal Downtime

Under Rule 3.4, BlogNomic is now in Hiatus until the 27th. Happy Seasonal Downtime, everyone.



24-12-2017 20:36:58 UTC

Merry Seasonal Downtime!

ATMunn: he/him

25-12-2017 16:36:45 UTC

Merry Christmas!


27-12-2017 17:23:43 UTC

is that until the 27th is over or until the end of the 26th?

Kevan: he/him

27-12-2017 17:32:01 UTC

Presumably the latter. (Exact rule wording is “Blognomic goes into hiatus every year on December 24th, and remains in hiatus until December 27th.”)