Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Proposal: Second batch of roles

Timed out 16 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2010 07:21:33 UTC

If there is a “Functions of Roles” subrule, add the following text to it:

Colonel.  The colonel is extremely brave.  Whether or not the lights are on, if at any time the Colonel becomes Terrified, the Colonel may change his state from Terrified to Healthy.

Governess.  The Governess, being accustomed to dealing with children, is skilled at dealing with disrupted sleep patterns.  If the Governess is in the same room as a Guest who is Asleep (other than the Governess herself), then as a daily action, the Governess may change that Guest’s state to Healthy.

Apothecary.  The Apothecary is a trained expert in antidotes.  If the Apothecary is in the same room as a Guest who is Poisoned (other than the Apothecary himself), then as a daily action, the Apothecary may change that Guest’s state from Poisoned to Healthy.

Journalist.  The Journalist has a knack for ferreting out secrets.  If the Executor is required to privately provide information to a Guest as a result of that Guest’s exercise of his special power under the “Functions of Roles” subrule, then there is an 80% chance that the Executor will provide information to the Journalist; in that case, there is an 80% chance that the information provided by the Executor will be the same information that the Executor provided to the other relevant guest, and a 20% chance that the information will be false (with the Executor determining the outcomes of these percentages in whatever manner the Executor deems suitable).

Actor.  The Actor has a gift for imitating others.  The Actor may exercise the special power of any other Role that is described in the “Functions of Roles” subrule, provided that the Actor may not exercise the special power of any other particular Role more than once, nor exercise the aforementioned power more frequently than weekly.

Vicar.  The Vicar provides serenity to worried souls.  As a daily action, if the Vicar is in the same room as a Guest who is Terrified (other than the Vicar himself), then as a daily action, the Vicar may change that Guest’s state from Terrified to Healthy.

Banker.  The Banker has a talent for sizing up a person’s worth.  As a Weekly action, the Banker may contact the Executor by private telegram, specifying the name of one other Guest who is in the same room as the Banker and stating that he is auditing them.  Following the receipt of that private telegram, the Executor must privately truthfully reply to the Banker, stating that other Guest’s absolute degree of relation to Lord Cartlesham (expressed as a number in accordance with the “Bloodline” rule).

Gardener.  The Gardener is equipped with a sturdy pair of shears for trimming hedges.  As a daily action, if the Gardener is in the same room as a Guest who is Restrained (other than the Gardener himself), then as a daily action, the Gardener may change that Guest’s state from Restrained to Healthy.

Actuary.  The Actuary is an insufferable bore.  Once every 96 hours, if the Actuary is in the same room with a particular non-dormant Guest then the Actuary may set that other Guest’s status to “Asleep”.

Butler.  The Butler and the Maid, working as a pair, keep the house in smooth working order.  Once every 48 hours, whether or not the lights are on but so long as neither the Butler nor the Maid is dormant, if the Butler and the Maid are in different rooms (according to the GNDT, regardless of any moves that either of them may have made as a Dark Action), the Butler can move the Maid to the Butler’s then-current location.

Maid.  The Butler and the Maid, working as a pair, keep the house in smooth working order.  Once every 48 hours, whether or not the lights are on but so long as neither the Butler nor the Maid is dormant, if the Butler and the Maid are in different rooms (according to the GNDT, regardless of any moves that either of them may have made as a Dark Action), the Maid can move the Butler to the Maid’s then-current location.

This proposal intentionally makes no mention of the safety sentence.  If it’s in the ruleset by operation of the previous roles proposal, it stays in; if it’s not in, then this proposal doesn’t introduce it.



20-01-2010 15:35:51 UTC



20-01-2010 15:55:45 UTC



20-01-2010 15:58:39 UTC



20-01-2010 17:10:18 UTC


is one running role proposal, inititated by you, not enough?


20-01-2010 17:53:19 UTC



20-01-2010 18:04:55 UTC

@Keba: It’s an addition to the other one, with other roles that didn’t get abilities in the first.

Kevan: he/him

20-01-2010 18:14:09 UTC



20-01-2010 18:32:00 UTC

@ Uvthenfuv: ah, ok. youre right :)


20-01-2010 19:06:05 UTC


redtara: they/them

20-01-2010 20:36:14 UTC



20-01-2010 22:07:23 UTC

for why not^^


20-01-2010 23:49:23 UTC


Darknight: he/him

20-01-2010 23:57:25 UTC



21-01-2010 00:44:41 UTC

Idle AGAINST on the Banker power.

Roujo: he/him

21-01-2010 01:00:00 UTC

for =)


21-01-2010 01:05:43 UTC

for Yes, the banker’s power /is/ very strong. Yet those numbers don’t matter yet, we’ll edit it when needed.

Safety ON on these?


21-01-2010 14:02:49 UTC



21-01-2010 18:23:34 UTC



22-01-2010 05:11:19 UTC


ais523: Mastermind

22-01-2010 10:58:11 UTC
