Proposal: Second Class
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 23 Oct 2019 09:44:59 UTC
In “Teleportation Protocol”, replace “As long as a Proposal is not a Teleportation Proposal and has not been voted on by every EM, it has an additional AGAINST vote, automatically. (This vote counts as being “cast”, but that doesn’t appear to speed up “Unpopular” resolution.)” with:-
Proposals which are not Teleportation Proposals are called Slow Proposals. If a Slow Proposal is more than 48 hours old and has exactly 1 more vote FOR than AGAINST, it is Unpopular instead of Popular.
Clarifying what the additional AGAINST vote seems to actually boil down to.
k, greentick