Saturday, May 26, 2018

Proposal: Second in Command

timed out 3-2 with 1 DEF enacted by card

Adminned at 29 May 2018 01:51:29 UTC

If the proposal named “The Drama’s Done” has not passed this proposal does nothing.


a Sailor holding the Position of Captain may declare a “Hunt”


a Sailor with an authority greater than or equal to every other sailor may declare a “Hunt”


and a Sailor with the Position of Captain has replied to that Log with a comment including the word “ahoy”,


and a Sailor with an authority greater than or equal to every other sailor has replied to that Log with a comment including the word “ahoy”,

Keep it up boys! Don’t mind about the Captain!



26-05-2018 21:46:53 UTC

“a Sailor with an authority greater than or equal to every other sailor”

ie. Yourself.

Being able to choose Captain is the boon of my role, and this would lower my power in the game in exchange for increasing yours.

I won’t do that for free unfortunately.


26-05-2018 23:08:14 UTC

(I always warmly welcome commerce though. PMs, as usual.)


26-05-2018 23:37:17 UTC

authority isn’t well defined, does a cook have more authority than the steward or vice versa?

derrick: he/him

26-05-2018 23:41:23 UTC

Its defined in terms of the list of positions. So the cook would have more authority.

yes, cuddlebeam, its myself. I have made no secret of my desire to make the game actually happen.


27-05-2018 00:55:40 UTC

[derrick] but the word authority isn’t currently used anywhere, much less defined, in the ruleset?
I can understand Captain, Chief Mate, Second Mate and Third Mate having that order of descending authority over everyone else just based on historical or numerical usage; however if you were to use the simple english definition of “authority” “persons in command” would imply some sort of chain of command on the ship which also isn’t defined in the ruleset and for real ships varies depending on country.

derrick: he/him

27-05-2018 01:45:32 UTC

See the proposal “The Drama’s Done”, which is named in the proposal and is currently popular.


27-05-2018 04:29:58 UTC

oh sorry those hang around the queue for a while and I sometimes forget what’s in them before they’re enacted

Kevan: he/him

27-05-2018 07:04:03 UTC

imperial I’m going to have to ask the Captain about this.


27-05-2018 20:27:15 UTC

against lol no obviously


28-05-2018 04:38:22 UTC

for I think it’s handy in case there’s no Captain, like there wasn’t for most of the dynasty

Brendan: he/him

28-05-2018 15:21:26 UTC
