Proposal: Secure Beneath the Watchful Eyes
Reached quorum (14-0) - Devenger - I make that it doesn’t actually do anything, because of Wak’s interpretation of ‘previous rule’ in enacting ‘The Fame Game’ meaning that sentence isn’t in this rule. And he still put all these sentences in anyway, but that’s a different issue.
Adminned at 17 May 2009 03:21:03 UTC
In the rule “Fame”, after “As a daily action, the Host may broadcast footage from the Reality TV Bunker.”, add:-
He does this by rolling DICEX in the GNDT, where X is the number of Rooms that exist - the Room whose position in the list matches the rolled result is filmed. The Host then increases the Fame of each Contestant in the filmed Room by 1.
Re-adding the bit that got lost due to a careless wording.
ais523: Custodian