Sunday, April 18, 2021

Proposal: Segmentation Fault

Reached quorum 10 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 19 Apr 2021 19:10:17 UTC

If either of the proposals “Made Out of Meat” and “Oversitting” failed, this proposal has no further effect.

In “Nosy Researchers”, replace “As a daily action, preferably within the hour following midnight UTC or as soon as possible thereafter, the Facility Head should perform the following atomic action:” with:-

As a daily action (which can only be performed when no Challenges are pending, and preferably within the hour following midnight UTC or as soon as possible thereafter), the Facility Head should perform the following atomic action:

Fixing my only problem with Oversitting: an AI with a spurious Understanding should not have it processed as if it were valid, during the nightly action. This puts the action on hold until the Challenge is resolved.


Clucky: he/him

18-04-2021 18:05:10 UTC

maybe add a way to resolve challenges early so they don’t slow the game down too much? not entirely sure how it would work (as need some time for the AI in question to respond to the challenge)

though I also sorta like the ability for a person who has a bad understanding to yolo a chance at getting a new piece of world data that matches their understanding, magically making them compliant

here is an idea: why not make it so that, if you have a challenge pending against you, you just don’t get the humans bonus? that way you don’t slow the game down. then also maybe make it so that lemon can always resolve a pending challenge at any time by voting FOR, but can only reinitialize the non-compliant AI after the challenge has been pending for 24 hours.

Kevan: he/him

18-04-2021 19:24:58 UTC

Oh, I assumed Challenges could be closed early, if both the Facility Head and AI were in agreement after five minutes discussion on Slack, I didn’t realise they were locked to minimum 24 hours.

Would consider patching that but I don’t have time to right now.

Clucky: he/him

18-04-2021 20:10:09 UTC

yeah there isn’t currently anything that allows for that. but I think it can be patched in later for

Lulu: she/her

18-04-2021 21:21:54 UTC


lemon: she/her

18-04-2021 21:42:26 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

19-04-2021 00:47:53 UTC


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

19-04-2021 04:04:05 UTC


Josh: he/they

19-04-2021 10:35:52 UTC



19-04-2021 13:35:23 UTC


Janet: she/her

19-04-2021 14:14:35 UTC


Brendan: he/him

19-04-2021 16:05:17 UTC
