Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Proposal: Self Balancing Binary Search Instituions

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 12 Apr 2012 08:31:13 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Bonuses” and give it the following text

Each Institution has an associated non-negative integer Bonus, which by default is zero. Whenever a Player Influences an Institution that Player receives the Institution’s Bonus in Credits, and then the Instituion’s Bonus is set to zero. After each Cycle, for every Institution which was Powered for that Cycle and which no Player influenced, the Bonus for that Institution increases by one. If no Player directed any Credits or Marines at that Institution (and it was still Powered), the Bonus for that Institution increases by an additional one. Each Institution should be marked with is Bonus. Modifying the Bonus of an Institution does not cause that Institution to become Unpowered.

To help fix the fact that stuff like the Slave Pits no one is going after because they are a waste of a marine, automatically make the stuff people don’t go after or get better. Maybe no one will get the slave pits now, but if later it has a bonus of 10 maybe someone will pounce on it.


Kevan: he/him

11-04-2012 17:41:31 UTC

for Ah, Puerto Rico. I don’t think we’re skipping over any Institutions out of choice, apart from the Slave Pits, but more things to fight over should make it interesting.

Josh: he/they

11-04-2012 17:57:56 UTC



11-04-2012 18:02:39 UTC

for  for Just no one start putting in any little brown circles as workers…

Clucky: he/him

11-04-2012 18:17:44 UTC

I mean, after the dominion dynasty a few rounds ago gotta keep the influences coming =)


11-04-2012 19:46:13 UTC

@Kevan… well anyone really: Am I right to assume that when you direct credits towards 96189 Pygmalion and don’t influence it you don’t get 1 credit since it isn’t an institution.

Sorry for the off topic.


11-04-2012 19:52:39 UTC


Josh: he/they

11-04-2012 20:00:16 UTC

@Patrick - why would Pygmalion not be an institution? I have no idea what the answer to your question is, but I don’t necessarily see a reason why it would be treated differently.


11-04-2012 20:04:44 UTC



11-04-2012 20:49:01 UTC

@Josh: 96189 Pygmalion: The Galatea counts as a ~Player~ for the purposes of every Dynastic Rule

Each Player earns 1 Credit for each Powered ~Institution~ which they Directed at least one Marine or Credit to but did not Influence that Cycle.

This is what has me confused.

Josh: he/they

11-04-2012 20:58:12 UTC

Ah, I see.

I’m not sure that Player and Institution are mutually exclusive, however.

Josh: he/they

11-04-2012 20:59:01 UTC

It is listed under the heading “The following Institutions operate in Blogia,” as well, which seems to be the most explicit statement and thus, presumably, definitive.

Kevan: he/him

11-04-2012 20:59:03 UTC

[Patrick] The Galatea and the Pygmalion are intentionally distinct entities.


11-04-2012 21:17:31 UTC

arrow @Kevan


11-04-2012 21:34:48 UTC

for sure why not. Although I am somewhat afraid that this will only worsen credit inflation.


11-04-2012 21:40:12 UTC

@Yonah, perhaps we need a credit deflating institution then.


11-04-2012 21:55:52 UTC

Yeah, I’ve been thinking for some time that the game needs a money sink. I’ll propose one shortly.


12-04-2012 00:06:50 UTC

Yeah, the Galatea and the Pygmalion have different names for that very reason. Now, it never occurred to me that “96189 Pygmalion: The Galatea” could be counted as the whole name of the thing, but Galatea and 96189 Pygmalion are both used separately in the description, so it should be OK.


(Hey, what about making the bonus the number of cycles since last Influencing, squared ?!)


12-04-2012 01:11:52 UTC

Ah, I see, thanks guys.
Good idea, Koen.


12-04-2012 03:00:29 UTC

Actually a joke. But go on and propose ;)

ais523’s recent dynasty was all about that mechanics. See


12-04-2012 03:25:05 UTC

Well it is an interesting sounding joke :P