Proposal: Self killing of proposals
Failed…by quite a bit. 1 for, whole lot of againsts. Wow.—Rodlen
Adminned at 26 Mar 2009 12:45:01 UTC
Edit rule 1.5 so that
The Scripter who proposed it has voted AGAINST it
Proposals the Producer has voted to VETO are considered vetoed. Proposals the author has voted against are considered self-killed unless the Producer has voted VETO on them, or they have fulfilled one of the other requirements to fail a proposal before the author’s self-kill vote is placed.
The Scripter who proposed it has voted AGAINST it and typed SELF KILLED in capital letters next to it
Proposals the Producer has voted to VETO are considered vetoed. A scripter may self kill their own proposal by using AGAINST and typing SELF KILLED in capital letters next to it. Proposals the author has voted against are considered self-killed unless the Producer has voted VETO on them, or they have fulfilled one of the other requirements to fail a proposal before the author’s self-kill vote is placed.
Thus preventing confusion and voting after a proposal has already ended but before it is processed by an admin
Klisz: Idle