Proposal: Set the Stage
Reaches quorum, 9-0. Josh
Adminned at 02 Aug 2021 12:19:55 UTC
Add a rule named “The Tribunan-Ashen Divide”:
[[The War Table]] contains a publicly tracked map of the area between the Kingdom of Tribuna and the Ashen Concord, called “Tribunan-Ashen Divide”. The map consists of an 8 wide by 10 high grid of cells (also known as “Territories”), each by default containing no text and having a background colour of #798, with the letters A-J on the left hand side and the numbers 1-8 along the top. Each Territory may be individually referred to by these grid coordinates. North is towards the top of this map. The southmost row is known as the Tribunan Home Row; the northmost row is known as the Ashen Home Row.
Add a rule named “Units”:
A Unit is a battalion of soldiers armed and ready to participate in warfare; each Unit has a Name (a string of flavour text which defaults to blank), a Commander (the name of a General or Leader which defaults to Jumble), a Mobility (a text string which defines how far and in what ways the Unit can move across the map), a Size value (a number which defaults to 1), an Arms value (a number which defaults to 1), an Armour value (a number which defaults to 1), and a Supply value (a number which defaults to 0). Each existing Unit and all of its attached variables are publicly tracked. When the rules state that a Unit can perform an action, that action can be performed on its behalf by that Unit’s Commander.
By default, a Unit is a Tribunan Unit; Units whose Commander is the Ashen Queen are Ashen Units instead. A rule that specifically names Tribunan Units does not include Ashen Units, and vice versa.
When a Unit’s Name is contained within a map cell, that Unit is considered to be located in that Territory. Any number of Units may be within a single Territory at once.
Add a subrule to “Units” named “Resupply”:
The last time a Resupply occurred is publicly tracked for convenience. If it has been at least 20 hours since the last Resupply action, or if all Units have 0 Supply, either Leader may Resupply by setting the Supply of every Unit with less than 2 Supply to 2 Supply. Resupplies cannot happen if there are no Units.
“has been at least 24 hours since the last Replenish action” -> “has been at least 24 hours since the last Resupply action” ?