Proposal: Settlement House Ethos
Self-killed, failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 20 May 2009 08:09:36 UTC
Create a new subrule under “The Bunker” titled “Settlement House Ethos,” with the following text:
A Contestant in the kitchen may, as a weekly action but subject to the limitations in this rule, attempt to cook. The Contestant making the attempt must make a post to the main page titled “{Name} is Cooking for the {Room}” where {Name} is the Character’s Name and {Room} is a Room in the bunker other than the Kitchen. The body of the post should describe the dish being cooked. That Character must then roll DICEX where X is the number of Characters in the Kitchen (including the Character who is cooking) plus the number of Characters in the named {Room}; this is the “result”. If the result exceeds X/2 rounded up, the cooking was successful, otherwise it was unsuccessful. If the cooking was successful, the Character who did the cooking may change the Support value of a number of Characters equal to the result who are in the Kitchen or the named Room to his name. If the cooking was unsuccessful nothing happens.
A Character may not cook if someone else has successfully cooked in the previous 24 hours or if that Character was the last Character to attempt to cook.
If a majority of the votes in favor of this proposal include the phrase “This is real life, people” add the following after the first paragraph of the new subrule:
Any attempt to cook renders the dishes dirty and they remain dirty until a Character cleans them. In order to clean the dishes a Character must be in the Kitchen. The Character doing the cleaning must add a comment to the original cooking post stating that he is “doing the dishes.” That Character must then remain in the Kitchen for 24 hours at which point he must post a comment to the cooking post stating that the “dishes are done.” If the Character who is doing the dishes leaves the Kitchen for any reason before the end of that 24 hour period, he must post a comment to the cooking post stating that the “dishes remain dirty.” Any attempt to do the dishes requires a full 24 hours, regardless of any prior failed attempts.
Also, if a majority of the votes in favor of this proposal include the phrase “This is real life, people” change the final sentence of the new subrule to read:
A person may not cook if: someone else has successfully cooked in the previous 24 hours, the dishes are dirty, or if that person was the last person to attempt to cook
For those not familiar, the original title of the Settlement House Cookbook was “The Way to A Man’s Heart.”
EDIT: Added the sentehce “The body of the post should describe the dish being cooked.” Sorry
TAE: Idle
Also, it looks like I got the edit in before anyone else commented so hopefully it isn’t a problem for anyone. Sorry about that.