Proposal: Shadowy Benefactors
Self-killed. Josh
Adminned at 02 Jul 2021 17:49:37 UTC
Delete the sentence “Spending the cost and performing of the action is considered to be an atomic action” from the first paragraph of the rule “Vampire Lords” and then append to that paragraph the following:
Mysterious Actions may be performed at any time but require that their Cost be spent from the Puissance of the Vampire Lord carrying it out.
Reword the sentence that reads “While a Vampire Lord is Bloodthirsty, they may not perform any Power Actions except Blood Frenzy.” to:
While a Vampire Lord is Bloodthirsty, they may not perform any Power Actions or Mysterious Actions except Blood Frenzy.
Add a new subrule entitled “Remote Actions” to the rule “Vampire Lords” immediately after the subrule “Lair Actions” as follows:
Richardo von Nestor’s Starting Items are a publicly tracked list, defaulting to an empty list, and may consist only of items from the list of Treasures in the rule entitled Treasure. When the Crypt Awakens, Richardo von Nestor begins holding all the items in his Starting Items; then, Richardo von Nestor’s Starting Items are set to an empty list.
As a Mysterious Action that is also a Daily Action with a cost of 2, a Vampire Lord may add one item from the list of Average treasures to Richardo von Nestor’s Starting Items. As a Mysterious Action that is also a Daily Action with a cost of 3, a Vampire Lord may add one item from the list of Fine treasures to Richardo von Nestor’s Starting Items.
The spend-and-perform-are-atomic stuff is covered by the appendix now. And I think we should have space for actions that cost Puissance but don’t disturb the crypt, so long as they take place outside the crypt.
Clucky: he/himIdle
So are Mysterious Actions just Power Actions that don’t set the crypt timer?
“Give Richardo this item” feels like exactly the kind of thing you would want to be able to respond to.