Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Proposal: Shall We Their Fond Pageant See

Times out and finally passes, 12-4.—Brendan

Adminned at 03 Dec 2010 15:22:39 UTC

Within the rule “Mortals”, replace every instance of the phrase “Optimus Divinity” with “Imperatrix”.

Add the following paragraph to the rule “Piety”:

As a weekly action, a Divinity may Manifest, and add X to their Prominence.

Add a new subrule to the rule “Influence”, called “Playthings”, with the following text:

As a weekly action, if no other Divinity has done so within the past 12 hours, a Divinity may meddle with a mortal by spending V Prominence to create a Story Post with the title “Meddling with MORTAL’S NAME,” where MORTAL’S NAME is the name of any mortal from the Mortals wiki page.  This is called a Meddling Post, and the mortal in question is called the Plaything.  The Divinity shall also note the spheres of Influence to which that mortal is vulnerable as flavor text.  No Divinity may meddle with a mortal if that mortal has been a Plaything within the past 24 hours.

Divinities may join in by posting a comment on the Meddling Post.  Should a Divinity comment more than once on any Meddling Post, all their comments on that post are considered illegal.

  • If the comment includes the word “Torment,” the Divinity Torments the Plaything. If the Divinity has a Negative Influence in one of the spheres affecting the Plaything, they may increase their Prominence by up to V.
  • If the comment includes the word “Uplift,” the Divinity Uplifts the Plaything.  If the Divinity has a Positive Influence in one of the spheres affecting the Plaything, they may increase their Prominence by up to X.

Note that no such action may increase a Divinity’s Prominence beyond the limits set in the rule “Piety.”  No Divinity may both Torment and Uplift in the same comment.

When 24 hours have elapsed since the Meddling Post was created, the meddling is ended, and no further comments may be made on it.

If any Divinities Uplifted the Plaything, the one among them with the lowest Prominence when the meddling ends becomes the mortal’s Patron.  If any Divinities Tormented the Plaything, the one among them with the highest Prominence when the meddling ends becomes the mortal’s Nemesis. If no Divinities Uplifted the Plaything or if no Divinities Tormented the Plaything, when the meddling is finished, the Plaything has no Patron or no Nemesis, respectively. In the case of ties for Patron or Nemesis, the Plaything has no Patron or no Nemesis, respectively.

If the proposal “Ozymandias” passed, add the following text to the rule “Playthings” as well:

Within 24 hours of the end of a given meddling:

  • If the Plaything has a Patron, the Patron may set the Plaything’s Legacy to their Old Name.
  • If the Plaything has no Patron but has a Nemesis, the Nemesis may set the Plaything’s Legacy to their Old Name.

Boiled down: we can pick mortals to toy with, and either torment them or uplift them.  Of the two, uplifting gets you more Prominence, but you’ll want to be either a high-Prominence tormentor or a low-Prominence Uplifter to get their Legacy slot.



01-12-2010 23:32:52 UTC

for Though I don’t see how anyone will ever get the Legacy slot by Tormenting since the Patron seems to take precedence over the Nemesis


02-12-2010 00:00:38 UTC


Roujo: he/him

02-12-2010 00:04:21 UTC



02-12-2010 00:30:42 UTC

for As long as I can uplift any shepherd. Oh, sheeps, fluffy!

Darknight: he/him

02-12-2010 00:38:58 UTC


Josh: he/they

02-12-2010 07:46:42 UTC

for I really like this, although I’m confused by the trend for naming proposals after quotes from Midsummer. That was Greece!


02-12-2010 08:42:14 UTC



02-12-2010 08:53:17 UTC

I like the idea, though I’m not thrilled by the way “Negative” and “Positive” are used here.  Many real mortals worship gods who they fear quite a bit—if the god torments a mortal, the mortal’s devotion to that god increases, out of hope that they’ll stop being tormented.  But if the god uplifts the mortal, the mortal ignores that god and goes about trying even harder to appease the cruel gods.

So I’d want “Positive” influence to mean that a god has a great amount of power to uplift or torment a mortal (with tormenting being the more potent of the two actions), and “Negative” influence to mean that, in a certain sphere, if a Divinity tries to meddle with a Mortal their attempt will probably go totally haywire.  I try to send the rain, for example, and instead send a Toyota.

So I’m voting against , but it looks like this will pass and I think that will make the game better anyhow.

Darknight: he/him

02-12-2010 09:38:40 UTC

That’s quite a way of putting it Buddha.


02-12-2010 11:22:58 UTC



02-12-2010 13:47:43 UTC

So much for the Dark Divinities :P
(n.b. I’m with buddhagazelle and figure it’ll still pass)

Brendan: he/him

02-12-2010 17:52:01 UTC

Alecto, did you notice that this fixes your concern about the Optimus Divinity creating mortals (as per your AGAINST vote on “I+I=IIi”)?


02-12-2010 19:01:40 UTC

Hmmm ... do we have enough playthings for all of us Divinities? :-)


02-12-2010 19:02:47 UTC


redtara: they/them

02-12-2010 22:24:41 UTC



03-12-2010 00:21:43 UTC

against Too many issues for it.


03-12-2010 13:27:25 UTC

@Brendan: I did, and I liked that, but it’s going to pass anyway.  I voted based on my opinion that being kind shouldn’t give you an advantage over being cruel, in this case.

Kevan: he/him

03-12-2010 16:36:26 UTC



03-12-2010 18:16:20 UTC
