Proposal: Sharing the evidence
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 22 Jan 2019 12:19:17 UTC
Replace the text of the rule “Clues” with:
When a Detective finds a Clue, the Chief selects a Possibility at random. If the Possibility is a Quality of the Murder its Description is “Proof”, otherwise its Description is “Disproof”. The Chief constructs a sentence (“the Evidence”), that contains the Possibility, its Description, and an integer chosen arbitrarily by the Chief. The Chief then privately sends the Evidence to that Detective.
If the Chief has not done so in the past 72 hours, he should perform the following atomic action, known as a Search:-
* For each Detective, roll a ten-sided die: on a result of 6 or higher, that Detective finds a Clue. (This is known as the Search Roll.)
* Post a blog entry announcing that a Search has occurred, which contains a list with the MD5 hash of each Evidence from each Clue found in that Search.(Whenever the Chief resolves something at random, that decision is secretly random.)
Taking the idea from the Activism dynasty: I tried to make this effectively be the same as the proposed “Clues”, except that Detectives can share the Evidence, and prove that it is real Evidence, without needing the Chief as an escrow.
Kevan: he/him