Proposal: Shifting halls
Timed out and enacted, 3-2 with 3 unresolved DEFs.
Adminned at 31 Dec 2022 19:41:14 UTC
Modify the effect of the Malfeasance “Dark Reordering” in the rule Malfeasances to:
The room occupied by the acting Explorer is destroyed along with all connections associated with it. All Explorers and items occupying that room (as well as the Black Cat, if present) are displaced to a connecting room at random. For each room that had a connection removed here (except, of course, the destroyed room), the Narrator may add a new connection to that room if possible. These new connections should be towards existing rooms, and should be made with the intent of both keeping the traversal around the mansion to the various rooms at approximately the same difficulty as before the malfeasance was activated, and keeping rooms within the same general region of the mansion. The Foyer is not able to be destroyed by this Malfeasance.
A nerf, but not a total one. Now, deleting rooms will no longer potentially risk entire sections becoming virtually inaccessible to make up for the fact that the malfeasance is always accessible.
JonathanDark: he/him
I’m not sure if I can correctly interpret “keeping the traversal around the mansion to the various rooms at approximately the same difficulty”. Are the terms for traversal and difficulty understood well-enough without being more explicit about what this means?