Ship Ahoy!
Is that a ship? Or perhaps some variety of narwhal?
Is that a ship? Or perhaps some variety of narwhal?
I guess everyone else is doing what I did, which is wait until more people ahoy before ahoying myself. But as no-one else has, I shall decline to do so as well. This rule might need changing.
Maybe a sanity boost for being right, as well as a penalty for being wrong? I’m pretty sure that’s a narwhal.
The bonus for being right is that those Survivors presumably want the event or they wouldn’t be “voting for” it.
You two might not want to find a ship, but most other players should want to. It would be surprising to me if they found applying a minor penalty to two non-leading players was worth the loss of the payoff.
It’s more that I don’t want to vote for something which would jeopardise my own Sanity. When you’re looking for clues keeping it high is paramount.
Ahoy! Quite clearly a ship old chap. We’re saved!