Proposal: Shipyard
Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 07 Aug 2024 16:24:49 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Upgrades” with the following text
Each Fishing Contestant may have a number of Upgrades. The name of each Upgrade which a Fishing Contestant has is publicly tracked.
Each Upgrade has a Name, an Effect, and possibly a Cost. The effect of an upgrade applies only to Fishing Contestants who have that upgrade. Each upgrade is listed as a sub rule to this rule, with the name of the Upgrade being the name of the sub rule and the cost (if it exists) and effect listed as the contents of the subrule.
If a Fishing Contestant’s location is the Shore then as a Fishing Action they may select an upgrade that has a cost which they do not already have and then spend the cost of that upgrade in Doubloons to acquire it.
Add an upgrade called “Motor” with “Cost 13. Effect: When performing the speed calculations in ‘Fishing Contestant’, add 1”
Add an upgrade called “Catapult” with “Cost 5. Effect: When performing Fish Identification, you may submit two additional strings even if you are not in the Judge’s hut”
Add an upgrade called “Range Extender” with “Cost 8. Effect: You may perform Obelisk action when you are in a cell orthogonally adjacent to Basalt Obelisks”
JonathanDark: he/him