Proposal: Shiv and Let Die
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Sep 2015 09:09:49 UTC
In the rule “Attack”, if it exists, replace:
If a Prisoner’s Sentence is increased as a result of an Attack, that Prisoner adds an additional one year to their Sentence.
If the Suspect and Accomplice of an attack both Cooperated, DICE100 is rolled in the GNDT. If the result is less than the Target’s SHIV, the Target’s Attitude is set to Injured, their SHIV score is set to 10, and their Sentence is reduced by half (rounded up).
Attacks may not be resolved as regular Confessions. Instead, if both Parties have either Cooperated or Defected on an Attack, then any Prisoner may update the gamestate as follows for that Attack, after which point the Confession is over and ceases to be a Confession:
- If the Suspect and Accomplice both Cooperated, the Target is Injured.
- If the Suspect Cooperated and the Accomplice Defected, the Suspect is Injured.
- If the Suspect Defected and the Accomplice Cooperated, the Accomplice is Injured.
- If the Suspect and Accomplice both Defected, nothing happens.
Turning the proposed Attack system into something a bit spikier.
I was thinking that adding sentence to people with a successful attack made it a harder choice for the Fish, but the Don wouldn’t care about that, so getting rid of the sentence implications is probably a good thing