Proposal: Shouldn’t go unnarmed into War
Quorumed after 12 hours -Private Cliche
Adminned at 11 Feb 2009 20:10:37 UTC
Create a new rule “Weapons”:
All Soldiers should have at least one weapon, but may never have more than two. Weapons may require Ammo to be used. There exists a wiki document called “War Armory” in which the Weapons owned by Soldiers are listed. Each Soldier’s section within the Armory is know as that Soldier’s Holster. As a daily action, the General may create a copy of any Weapon he owns and place the copy in any other Soldier’s Holster. Each weapon should include, within a pair of parenthesis, the amount of Ammo it requires to be spent for each attack. If this info is omitted, it is considered to be zero.
Create a new sub-rule “Ammo” under rule “Weapons”:
Each Soldier has a stat called “Ammo” which is tracked by the GNDT, and which is a positive integer. If at any time it would have an invalid value, it shall instead be set to zero. As a weekly action, a Soldier may set their Ammo to 60.
If the wiki document “War Armory” exists, blank it. Set the General’s Ammo to 900.
I have intentionally left some aspects of this a little vague so that others may build on top of this proposal.