Proposal: Shouldn’t we start studying?
Self-killed. -scshunt
Adminned at 17 Sep 2012 08:03:29 UTC
Add a new rule, “The Classes”:
The Students will be taking classes according to the weekday, as described in this rule:
Monday, “Proposal” classes. All Proposals made during this class that have a “For” vote from the Professor needs Quorum minus one vote to pass. Analogously, all Proposals made during this class that have an “Against” vote from the Professor needs Quorum minus one vote to fail. All students can have up to 3 pending Proposals, if at least two of them were made during this class.The Professor shall take a break from his own Proposals to evaluate the Students work, and won’t be making any Proposals this day.
Tuesday, “Weighting” classes. All Students shall take a time to analyze the Pending Votable Matters (PVM), which means they must have an EVC on every PVM that have been pending for at least an hour before making other actions, which includes making a new PVM.
Wednesday, “The Ruleset” classes. The professor shall make a posts to discuss the current Ruleset. He and the students should compare it to other Dynasties Rulesets. This is an optional class, which means a Student can’t be said to have missed it.
Thursday, “Studying the Past” classes. The professor shall make a post about past Dynasties, emphasizing the pros and cons of them. This is an optional class, which mean a Student can’t be said to have missed it.
Friday, “The Relax and Enjoy the Game” classes. No student ever misses this class.
Saturday, “The new classes” classes. The professor shall make a Proposal for a new class. This Proposal does not count for the maximum Pending Proposals of the Professor, and also does not count for the maximum of 3 Proposals in a day of the Professor. The new class can be added to an already existing class of a weekday or can replace one or more of the already existing classes of that day. If this new class Proposal is pending for at least one hour, a Student can’t make an action if they didn’t already voted on it.
Sunday, “The Relax and Enjoy the Game” classes. No student ever misses this class.A class does not exist if it’s not described in this rule.
If a Student fails to follow the class’s instructions, it means that the Student missed the class. Missing a class increases the “Classes Missed” value in the GNDT of a Student by one. Missing 3 classes changes a Student’s status to Expelled.
Add a column in the GNDT named “Status” and make every player status “Attending the classes”.
Add a column in the GNDT named “Classes Missed” and set every value of that column to 0.
Add a new rule, “Victory Conditions”:
If all but one Student’s status is “Expelled”, that student is said to have won the game.
It’s not possible to force other players to be Expelled (at least for now), so this victory condition should not “break” the game.