Monday, September 28, 2015

Proposal: Showdown

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 30 Sep 2015 09:31:55 UTC

Add to the rule “Shivving”

If there are exactly two prisoners who are not Injured, as a weekly action a Prisoner who is not Injured may Walk the Yard for another Prisoner as if that Prisoner had done so themself.

I’m worried about the possibility of a stalemate, where two prisoners are uninjured and neither is able to convince the other to Cooperate on an escape, and one isn’t the Fish


ais523: Custodian

28-09-2015 01:00:39 UTC

Perhaps they should both end up Walking the Yard simultaneously, to cut down on timing scams. Actually, mathematically equivalent (but potentially several weeks faster) would be to role DICE:SHIV for each player and the lower number wins.

ais523: Custodian

28-09-2015 01:01:17 UTC

Wait, no, that’s not equivalent. It might be fairer though.

Thrawn: Idle

28-09-2015 01:47:37 UTC

I think I remember reading something about how working out a fair but quick resolution to a game was what got Fermat and Pascal thinking about probability.
As far as I can tell, the quick and fair way might be, where X is your own SHIV and Y the other player’s, trying to roll under (X(Y-1))/(2XY-X-Y) with a failure meaning you become injured yourself. That removes the timing issue, as well as ignoring the possibility of both players being injured simultaneously, starting the whole thing over.
Before it comes to that, if one player has over 100 SHIV they’re automatically eliminated, and if both do, then I suppose we give either Kevan the right to be kingmaker or something

Kevan: he/himIdle

28-09-2015 07:50:23 UTC

against For the timing issue, and the cheapness of “luckiest player wins”.

Would be easier just to change the Riot win condition to go to the uninjured Prisoner with the lowest Sentence - if we reach a two-person stalemate, they could Dilemma it out until a Riot was triggered.

Purplebeard: Idle

28-09-2015 10:32:10 UTC


Thrawn: Idle

28-09-2015 11:28:22 UTC

Okay. SK.