Siddhartha Gautama, 563 BCE - 483 BCE, founder of Buddhism.
Wits & Scholasticism: Good. Probably 2-4.
Combat: 0 (Trained as a warrior, but forbidden by vow to kill).
Charisma: Very High (Founded Buddhism, converted masses to the tenets). Probably 6-8.
Mysticism: +10
Special Ability: (Once per skirmish) If the Einherjar with the highest stat being battled has a Mysticism score lower than the stat being battled, then that Einherjar temporarily swaps his or her Mysticism score with the stat being battled; but only if the Einherjar is owned by another Valkyrie other than the owner of Siddhartha, and if doing so would cause the owner of Siddhartha to win the skirmish.
Special Ability: All Einherjar owned by the Valkyrie owning Siddhartha shall be treated to have a Combat rating of 0 for as long as owned by that Valkyrie, unless Siddhartha is owned by Loki.
Male, Sane, Honorable
Nice, but the post doesn’t follow syntax.