Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Proposal: Siege the day!

Times out 5-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 24 Sep 2022 05:00:08 UTC

Add a new rule called “Sieging”:

As a daily action, a Baron may start a Siege. A Siege is an atomic action with the following steps:
- Choosing a number for the Siege not shared by any other current Siege.
- Moving any number of migrants in their Levy from their infrastructure to the exterior of a Keep which is owned by a Human King at War with them. Migrants may not be moved from anywhere other than infrastructure owned by the Baron they are in the Levy of for this purpose. For the duration of this Siege, those Migrants are considered to be part of this Siege.

The Migrants in each Siege are publicly tracked, as is the Baron who owns that Siege. Migrants in the Exterior of a Keep of an entity they are Hostile towards are considered to be Besieging that Keep. Migrants cease to part of a siege if they leave the Exterior of the Keep they are Sieging. Rather than the Migrants in a Siege being listed in the Exterior of the Keep they are Besieging, “Siege #N” is displayed in the Exterior of that Keep instead, although they are still considered to be at that location.

As a daily action, a Baron may Intensify their sieges as long as they have nort done so in the last 10 hours by doing the following atomic action:
- Each non-Equipped Migrant that is part of their Levy and participating in a Siege reduces the Hit Points of the outermost Defensive structure of the Keep they are Besieging by 10.
- Each Equipped Migrant that is part of their Levy and participating in a Siege reduces the Hit Points of the outermost Defensive of the Keep they are Besieging structure by 20.
- The previous 2 steps of this atomic action are then repeated a number of times equal to the amount of full 24 hour periods there have been since the midnight after the latest time they Intensified a siege, with the exception that a Migrant cannot deal damage more times than the number of full 24 hours periods there have been after the midnight immediately following the time that they siege that they are in started, and are skipped when completing the other two steps if they would do so. (They still deal damage the first time unconditionally).

The most recent date and time that a Baron has Intensified their sieges is publicly tracked, and defaults to September 20, 0:00. The date and time that each currently active Siege started is also publicly tracked

A Baron may end one of their sieges at any time by moving the Migrants in that siege out of the Exterior of the Keep they are Sieging and distributing them as they wish among their Stockpile and Infrastructure (subject to the Infrastructure’s maximum populations). Once a Siege has ended it is no longer publicly tracked.

Add the following to the list of all infrastructure:

| Barrack || Stone (cut) x 21, Iron (Plate) x 3 || Whenever a Migrant moves out of this infrastructure into another entitity’s as part of a Siege, that Migrant becomes Equipped.|| 250 || 3




Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

21-09-2022 15:37:11 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

21-09-2022 18:15:28 UTC



21-09-2022 22:33:54 UTC



24-09-2022 00:53:17 UTC
