Friday, February 13, 2009

Proposal: Simpler Skirmishes (“Ready, ACTION” Combat Part I)

High Command acknowledges changes in how they define the battles of their troops are required. They don’t really understand how this helps, but nonetheless assure all Soldiers that all is well; Lock and Load, men, women, and small blue furry creatures.

Reporting, Devenger.

(Reached quorum, at 12-0.)

Adminned at 14 Feb 2009 14:29:41 UTC

This is cleaning out stuff that assumes stuff exists, so people are free to write the combat rules however they like. I also think this is better worded. But if this passes I will post Part II.

Replace the text of Rule 2.1 Skirmishes with the following text:

At any time when there is not currently an active Skirmish, the General may create a Skirmish by posting a story post with [Skirmish] in the title, known as a Skirmish Post. Inside the Skirmish Post the General shall include the number of Enemy Combatants, the Enemy Armour Class (EAC) of the Skirmish, and the Enemy Damage Rating (EDR) of the Skirmish being created. When a Skirmish is created, that Skirmish is active.

A Soldier that is not in an active Skirmish may join an active Skirmish, by posting a comment to the Skirmish Post that includes the phrase ‘lock and load’; a Soldier who joins a Skirmish is a Friendly Combatant of the Skirmish. A Soldier may leave a Skirmish they are a Friendly Combatant of, by posting a comment to the Skirmish Post that includes the phrase ‘returning to base’; a Soldier who leaves a Skirmish is said to ‘Withdraw’ from the Skirmish, and becomes no longer a Friendly Combatant of the Skirmish. A Soldier cannot join a skirmish from which they have previously left.



13-02-2009 21:22:18 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

13-02-2009 21:28:28 UTC



13-02-2009 21:35:05 UTC

a draft of the combat system I propose as part two is here:

Darknight: he/him

14-02-2009 04:33:45 UTC


arthexis: he/him

14-02-2009 07:35:36 UTC



14-02-2009 09:24:22 UTC


Kevan: he/him

14-02-2009 11:21:44 UTC



14-02-2009 12:35:30 UTC

Would like to see Armor Class & Damage Rating be per Enemy Combatant rather than per Skirmish.


14-02-2009 13:06:27 UTC

I can think of no good way of having Enemy Combatants individually tracked or targetted without making the combat rules even more convoluted than they are going to need to be.


14-02-2009 13:07:34 UTC

Having a second GNDT just for Enemy Combatants would be a decent way.

ais523: Custodian

14-02-2009 13:09:37 UTC


Wooden Squid:

14-02-2009 20:28:17 UTC



14-02-2009 21:21:45 UTC



14-02-2009 21:38:44 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

14-02-2009 22:19:27 UTC



14-02-2009 22:21:52 UTC

CoV for for Speed