Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Call for Judgment: Simplification

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1 vote to 3 by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 Dec 2019 16:40:54 UTC

Replace “In order to use Hidden Monstrosities, the Monster must claim them by privately informing the Priest what Hidden Monstrosities they have chosen; such notification should be by Private Message. If the Priest has received no such notification by the time the Monster has performed its first Battle Action following its Transformation, the Monster shall be considered never to have had any Hidden Monstrosities. Any Battle Actions which the Monster has performed and which they couldn’t have performed without Hidden Monstrosities shall be as if they had never happened, with the exception that the Monster shall remain unable to claim Hidden Monstrosities.”


In order to use Hidden Monstrosities, the Monster must first claim them by informing the Priest, by Private Message, and before that Monster has performed its first Battle Action as the Monster, what Hidden Monstrosities they have chosen.

Confirm as legal TyGuy6’s “Terrifying Visage” Monster Battle Action posted at 12-03-2019 20:25:21 UTC.

This was how I was reading this paragraph.


The Duke of Waltham: he/him

03-12-2019 23:40:56 UTC

I’m sure the rule could have been written more simply if structured better overall; for one thing, Monstrosities in general, and Visible and Hidden Monstrosities in particular, are referenced before being introduced. As it is, we have patches on top of patches, and although I like this proposal’s apparent simplicity, I’m unconvinced that it comes without costs.  against

Kevan: he/him

04-12-2019 09:01:07 UTC

against This is not how I was reading this paragraph.


04-12-2019 16:00:22 UTC
