Proposal: Six isn’t much higher than Five
timed out, final vote 7-5—Yoda
Adminned at 31 Oct 2008 15:28:05 UTC
In the Rule entitled “Duels”, change the text
* If both Combatants Punched, Kicked or Grabbed one another, then the Combatant with the lowest Strength, Skill or Reflex score (respectively) takes Damage. If they have the same score, neither takes Damage.
* If both Combatants Punched, then the Clan Lord rolls DICEX in the GNDT for each Combatant, where X is that Combatant’s Reflex. If the rolls differ by more than 2, the Combatant with the lower roll takes damage. If they do not, neither takes Damage. The same is true for Kick and Skill, and for Grab and Strength.
This has three effects: It makes fights slightly safer, it makes the magnitude of a stat gap matter, and it introduces an extra bit of randomness. I believe the second point is enough of a benefit to make the randomness worthwhile.