Proposal: Six Legs Good, Eight Legs Bad
Passes at 10-0 with one unresolved DEF. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 27 Jan 2011 00:07:30 UTC
Add a new subrule to ‘NPCs’, “The Spider”
The Spider is always Above Ground. As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground may Provoke the Spider. When provoked, the Spider assaults a random Ant who is above ground (which may be the provoker) and reduces that Ant’s health by 10. If this causes an Ant to become dead, the Spider gains 1 food.
Create the Spider in the gndt. It is above Ground and has 50 health. All other statistics shall be zero or blank.
Remove the following from “Health”:
As a daily action, may increase their health by two if they are underground or one if they are above ground.
Adding an outside threat, and removing the daily health increase.
Much simpler than mine… I like it