Proposal: Six Legs Good, Eight Legs Bad
Passes at 10-0 with one unresolved DEF. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 27 Jan 2011 00:07:30 UTC
Add a new subrule to ‘NPCs’, “The Spider”
The Spider is always Above Ground. As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground may Provoke the Spider. When provoked, the Spider assaults a random Ant who is above ground (which may be the provoker) and reduces that Ant’s health by 10. If this causes an Ant to become dead, the Spider gains 1 food.
Create the Spider in the gndt. It is above Ground and has 50 health. All other statistics shall be zero or blank.
Remove the following from “Health”:
As a daily action, may increase their health by two if they are underground or one if they are above ground.
Adding an outside threat, and removing the daily health increase.