Proposal: Slammin!
Self-killed. - lilomar
Adminned at 22 Sep 2010 10:36:40 UTC
If a competition with the following text does not exist, allow any befuddled to create it.
This competition is divided into rounds, each of which has a judge. The judge for the first round is lilomar. At the beginning of a round, the judge for that round must either post a topic or forfeit. A judge posts a topic by making a comment to this competition which contains a topic. A judge forfeits when they either make a comment to this competition stating their forfeiture, or they do not post a topic within 24 hours of becoming the judge.
After a judge has posted a topic for a round, and before they announce a winner, any befuddled may make an entry, if they have not yet done so in that round, by posting a comment to this competition containing a poem which is no longer than 150 syllables, and which relates to the topic for that round.
48 hours after a topic is posted, the round ends. Once a round is over, the judge for that round should, within 24 hours, announce in the comments to this competition the winner of that round, and transfer one IQ from each befuddled who made an entry that round to the winner. If they do not do so, they forfeit. Whenever a winner is announced, they become the judge for the current round.
Whenever a judge forfeits, the previous judge (if there is one) is awarded a medal, and this competition closes.
Judges may choose a winner based on any criteria that they choose, but should base it on the poem submitted. What constitutes a poem is left up to the judge.
Hey, the right side of the brain needs lovin’ too!
. First judge chooses eirself as a winner, then forfeits.