Saturday, October 03, 2015

Proposal: Slice and Dice

Timed out 2 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Oct 2015 18:36:46 UTC

In “Shivving”, replace “As a daily action, each Prisoner may Walk the Yard by rolling DICE100 in the GNDT. If the result is lower than their SHIV score, they must reduce their Sentence by half (rounded up), set their SHIV score to 50, and set their Attitude to Injured.” with:-

As a daily action, each Prisoner may Walk the Yard. Upon doing so, if that Prisoner has a higher SHIV than every other non-Injured Prisoner, they must reduce their Sentence by half (rounded up), set their SHIV score to 50, and set their Attitude to Injured.

Now that the “Injured” mechanic has explicitly become “out of the running for victory”, it’s going to feel like a cheap ending if a lucky die roll makes all the difference. Maybe it’s time to lose the dice.


ais523: Custodian

03-10-2015 17:09:46 UTC

against This basically neuters the Intimidation mechanic, because there’s at most one person who can be Intimidated (and everyone else is immune). Currently, Tantusar (who has the highest SHIV among non-Injured prisoners) isn’t in a Gang, and so as a result, the vast majority of game mechanics will end up doing nothing at all.

Kevan: he/him

03-10-2015 17:20:05 UTC

But the Accomplice doesn’t have to be in a Gang, do they? And being Intimidated still raises your SHIV.


03-10-2015 21:54:40 UTC

That’s true. Still, while I see how randomness is a problem, this proposal as it stands is pretty bad for my strategy, so against

Darknight: he/him

04-10-2015 20:48:11 UTC



05-10-2015 07:49:07 UTC
