Call for Judgment: Slow Your Roll
Popular, 7-1 with one unresolved DEF. Josh
Adminned at 02 Mar 2021 13:16:59 UTC
The campaign Merchant Circles contains the following instructions:
Respond to the most recent Masquerade post with a comment saying “Advancing my Merchant Circles Campaign” and giving the result of a randomly selected number between 1 and 4 inclusive.
As seen here, Brendan rolled a DICE4 six consecutive times, and cherry-picked a result from that run to to advance his Merchant Circles campaign here. This violates the rules of the campaign, as the number was not selected randomly.
Thus, all Electors rolling dice with the intention of using the result to advance a campaign are hereby instructed to roll no more than once, and shall clearly label the purpose of such a roll in the comment box on the Dice Roller page. Furthermore, the Doge shall update any pending changes to Brendan’s Mistrust and/or Political Power to reflect that he advanced his Merchant Circles campaign this season with a roll of 1 (his first roll) rather than 4 (his last roll).
There is a good chance I’m way off the mark and just misunderstanding how the dice roll page works. If that’s the case then I apologize to Brendan. If I am correct and this is what happened, obviously this needs to be patched.