Call for Judgment: Smuggled items.
1-2. Timed Out.—Chronos
Adminned at 31 Aug 2005 07:16:37 UTC
Chronos Phareon says that Rodney doesn’t have either of eir Paints, because the same effect that sent Rodney to Gaol also activated the one that toke eir Paints. This doesn’t make much sense, as there are 3 effects. The last one gives the person who sent the Debitor to Gaol half the price of the Debitor’s items. Under Cronos’s interpitation, that would mean that that last one was activated too, but that wouldn’t make any sense under the current rules.
Vote FOR this CFJ if you think that the effects are seperate and didn’t trigger each other.
Vote AGAINST this CFJ if you don’t.
Should this CFJ pass then Rodney’s interpitation shall be considered correct, and eir actions legal.
From Proposal: Scooter loophole:
From <strong>Debtor’s Prison</strong, at the moment Rodney was moved to Gaol:
My interpretaion is that due to Debtor’s Prison, “If a player has negative money for more than 4 days” all the things listed in the rest of the paragraph happens. Proposal: Scoooter loophole says we had to “move [Rodney] to Gaol as if [e] have had been in debt for 4 days,”.
BTW, the name is PHAENON…